LATEST: Uebert Angel haunted by a rape case

The leader of the Good News Church formerly known as Spirit Embassy,Prophet Uebert Angel is being haunted by multiple cases of rape which were reported to the authorities who are keen to interview him in connection these as he is the accused in all of them.

There has been (3) three rape cases that have been reported and are pending ,they all involve girls that’s were in the in his church ,some that have not been reported involve wives of his Pastors to whom he also made advances and with one of the reportedly falling into his trap. One of the Pastors’ blew the whistle after discovering text messages or se_xual nature from Angel to his wife and this resulted in many of the Pastors wives opening a can of worms of having received similar advances from their “spiritual father”.
Of all these cases the most shaming is that of his niece (name provided). It was reported that Angel whose real family name is Mudzaniri and his wife Beverly took their niece from the Mudzaniri family to stay with them in their Chishawasha home before it was forfeited by debt collectors last year. Uebert Angel then went on to take advantage of the niece and forcibly turned her into a concubine and had se_xual intercourse with her on multiple occasions against her will.

This went on for a very long time and the young lady would not report the case for fear of victimization as Angel continuously bragged of how connected he was to senior politicians including Zimbabwe’s first family. In a Walter Magaya style of abuse he then promised to buy the niece a house and a car as compensation for raping her.
LATEST:Uebert Angel haunted by a rape case
The case came to light when Angel’s wife unceremoniously asked the niece to leave their home and the lady now wanted her promises fulfilled by her rapist. Angel brushed off the niece on her quest to have him compensate her until her only option was to report the case to the police. The man of cloth left the country without notice upon getting a tip-off that a rape case had been reported.

The devil opened doors of “blessing” for Angel when another case of theft was reported by a Harare business man who had been duped of his car, a Bentley. The Good News Church leader then went on a spree to pay every editor from every paper and online publications that he could get his hands on including a failed attempt on this publication. His quest was to make as much noise as possible about the car case which he knew was of less damage as compared to the rape case. This move successfully overshadowed the rape issue as he also did all he could to give a golden handshake to the authorities through his brother known as Pastor Lee Mudzaniri.

A sad event befell the family a week ago when Angel lost his father after a long illness .The preacher and his wife flew from the U.K to South Africa where the wife proceeded to Harare by air before driving to Chivhu for the burial. Uebert Mudzaniri with the help of the loud mouthed Genius Kadungure drove from South Africa and corruptly got his passport stamped on the Zimbabwean side as he was hiding in Kadungure’s car.

In the same corrupt way they got the police officers of the region in their pockets. The man arrived at the funeral barely an hour before burial and hurriedly departed not more than thirty minutes after the father was laid to rest.This left many questions among those who were not very informed about his shenanigans except a few relatives who were visibly disgusted by his presence at the funeral knowing that his case of rape is still hanging.

A Harare lawyer who commented on condition that we do not publish her name said “there is further a case of incest of which the state will be the complainant and the penalty wont be soft because Angel has made everyone believe that he is a man of God who is supposed to preach and teach against such practices” the lawyer added that already he has a case to answer even if he pays his niece to do otherwise. ”I am in picture of this case and there are bosses in authority who are silently waiting for his come back and he might pay one side of the authorities but he can never pay all angles, the niece is also part of the net to catch him so he has nowhere to run except turning himself in”.

Assistance Commissioner Charamba’s phone went unanswered when this reported attempted to get a comment before the publication of this story,however close sources from the police confirmed that the slow relaying of information is the reason Angel was not nabbed before he went back to South Africa via the Beitbridge border.

Adding the facts together this reporter concluded that it is clear that Angel would have been nabbed had our Masvingo region police force not succumbed to the American dollars which have proved so much to be above the law.

In conclusion ,the big question is if the Bentley was paid for and the problem now solved, why sneak in and out of the country if there are no hotter issues?



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