Lumumba comes out of hiding after “F..k You Mugabe” outburst

Former Zanu-PF activist William Mutumanje also known as Acie Lumumba, who was wanted for questioning on charges of undermining the President after he insulted Robert Mugabe last Thursday has surrendered himself to the police.

Lumumba, who was in the company of lawyers, surrendered himself at the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Law and Order Section yesterday afternoon.

A source close to the investigations said Lumumba was yesterday still assisting with investigations and is expected to appear in court today.

Last Thursday Lumumba insulted Mugabe at a local hotel after delivering his prepared speech, saying he was angry with the 92 year old president’s misrule.

“Now, I am done with my speech, I now speak for myself,” said Lumumba.
Lumumba comes out of hiding after “F..k You Mugabe” outburst
“You have never really seen Zimbabweans angry so here is the red line, Mr President Robert Gabriel Mugabe ‘f…you’, I have drawn the line…My name is Lumumba Lumumba Lumumba; I have said it three times and I say come get me,” fumed the young politician.

Momentary silence followed his utterance.

Lumumba was the Zanu PF Harare province chairman for tourism and resigned recently after a tiff with Mugabe’s nephew, Patrick Zhuwao who is the Youth and Indigenisation minister.

He is the former chair of the Zimbabwe Youth Council that was accused of marginalising young people who were perceived as opponents of Zanu PF in the empowerment drive that government embarked on several years ago.

The smooth-talking Lumumba who recently quoted controversy when his pornographic video leaked online, accused Mugabe of murder and undermining Zimbabweans’ future.

“In politics there are red lines you do not cross; you don’t cross the red line and starting killing people, you don’t destroy people’s relationships, you don’t destroy people lives, you don’t destroy people’s families, you don’t take their future, you don’t destroy the future of young men and women for your personal gain.

Lumumba added that he would not apologise for belonging to Zanu PF at one time but attacked the ruling party for giving false promises to the people.

He admitted to being corrupt while he was still a Zanu PF member, adding that he would not seek a government position in the future.

“Imagine I was 23 years when I was given the whole province to run with a million dollar budget, what was I supposed to do with this?

“And before you know it, you ask for a car, then you get a truck, and you ask for a Benz before you know it yatouya (It has been delivered), and before you know it you are gone-consumed by corruption,” he said. Nehanda Radio


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