The Bizarre case of a Glen Norah house haunted by beautiful ladies

DIFFERENT versions surrounding a seemingly disused house in Glen Norah A have sprouted with others quickly labelling it haunted.

The house is said to have seen quite a number of people occupying it but not staying there for long as strange things are said to happen there.

Rumors surrounding the house are that those who move into the house see beautiful ladies wearing make-up roaming the house in the middle of the night.

When H-Metro visited the place some people who live close to the house were seen discussing the mysterious things that are said to be happening at the house.

The Bizarre case of a Glen Norah house haunted by beautiful ladies
One woman, who refused to be identified, had so much to say about the mysterious happenings at the house.

“Pamba apa hapagarike zvamuchose nekuti panonzi pane mashiripiti anoitika ipapo.

“I have been married for four years in this neighbourhood and I have seen a number of people coming in and not spending a month.

“Some could not even last a week with the things that happen at that house,” she said.

She added;

“Pakambotsva pamba apa zvekuti vanhu vaigarapo pavaida kutiza gate rakaramba kuvhirika.”

Another one joined in and said mysterious ladies are seen in the house during the wee hours of the night.

“Pamba apa panoonekwa zvipoko zvevasikana vakanaka uye vakapoda kuface zvisingaiti.

“There was once a guy who was attacked by the ladies that are said to be in the house.

“If it wasn’t for the prayers he received from the man of God he could have died.

“I think the only way to stay at the house is when you are a man of God because what happens there is inexplicable.”

A Pastor Joshua Luveve, who has a church in the same street and lives around the corner, had no good things to say about the house.

“If you want to come and stay at the house you can come but what I can tell you is that this house is haunted.

“Hapagarike pamba apa ndaona vanhu vakawanda wachiuya vachibva nekuda kwezvinhu zvinoitikapo,” he said.

A guy only identified as baba Taku said he has lived in that neighborhood for long and has seen a lot of people coming in and out without staying there for long.

“Pamba apa hapanzwisisike uye panongoita kunge pari haunted nekuti vanhu vakauya havagari kwenguva yakareba,” he said.

However, a woman identified as mai Shepherd who is said to be a close friend of the owner of the house dismissed all these claims saying nothing of that sought happens at the house.

“Whatever you are hearing from those people are all lies because I once stayed in that house and would sleep there.

“I sew clothes there with a friend and we could even sleep in that house but never heard or saw anything mysterious.

“The house was once burnt when a lodger left a candle in a room full of fertilizers.

“Everything was destroyed and it was the fire brigade who came to put out the fire but it never helped as everything was burnt,” she said.

She went on to say that the house was under renovations and that the owner was not interested in putting lodgers there as she was disappointed with what had happened.

Whilst the H-Metro Crew was still there a couple arrived and confirmed that they are the owners of the house but refused to shed light about the said mysterious things.

“I have no comment about that, why don’t you go and ask the people who once lived here; they are the best to answer that,” said the man.

Source-H Metro


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