Church leaders from various denominations have spoken out over assertation by a Harare prophet who claims to have been visited by God in the Harare central business district at Kopje Mountain. Prophet Talent Madhungwe of Exile Desire of All Nations Ministry in Sunningdale claimed that God reciprocated his visit after he was first taken to heaven by angels that had visited him. He claimed when he visited heaven he spoke with the almighty God where he was told deep secrets on how he was going to judge the world. He also claimed that he had the opportunity to meet well-known biblical characters such as Daniel and Elijah.
Prophet Tapiwa Freddy of Goodness and Mercy Ministries said prophet Madhungwe’s claims were not in line with the biblical principles.“The man must be treated with caution, he claims to have seen God but the bible clearly states that God is spirit in John 4:24. Even God himself in Exodus 33; 20 said no man shall see my face and live. It is from such a stand point that I conclude what the man of God said is not biblical. One may conclude these are gimmicks of an attention seeker. However, we can’t judge him also,” he said.
Zim prophets turn against their own after he claims to have been visited by God |
“I think it’s a waste of time to comment about the details he is giving. The man is looking for attention from readers and listeners, he is after popularity. Maybe he wants to start a church so he is marketing himself knowing that with the information he is giving no one will turn a blind eye on him. God is too big let’s fear him,” he said.
Kingdom Embassy founder prophet Passion Java said claims by prophet Madhungwe were blasphemous.
“That so called prophet is being blasphemous, and I want to warn him to stop making such claims or else the wrath of God will fall on him. I was so disturbed when I heard his claims, that’s the highest level of mockery to the God that we serve.
I feel its high time God’s Generals like Archbishop Ezekiel Guti should speak out against doctrines and beliefs by some church leaders. Pentecostal assemblies of zimbabwe’s pastor Brian Chitiyo had no kind words for the prophet whom he said could be a mental case.
“There is nothing like that, maybe he has a God different from the one we serve. I suspect he could be a mental case or maybe he needs some deliverance from men of God. He claims that he cooked food for God what kind of foolishness is that?” he said.
A John Maxwell Scholar and leadership trainer at Impact Training institute, Pastor Ellias Chakabatwa said.
“We are living in the day and age where people ought to read the bible on their own and check their leaders’ teachings against the word. There is a lot of deception in the form of prophecy but we need the spirit that was upon the bereans in Acts 17:0-12. We need to redeem the times because the days are evil.
A John Maxwell Scholar and leadership trainer at Impact Training institute, Pastor Ellias Chakabatwa said.
“We are living in the day and age where people ought to read the bible on their own and check their leaders’ teachings against the word. There is a lot of deception in the form of prophecy but we need the spirit that was upon the bereans in Acts 17:0-12. We need to redeem the times because the days are evil.
So it does not matter who says what as long as it is not in agreement with scripture lets relegate it to the dustbins of theology. There are so many people who are clamoring for recognition and are seeking relevance and significance through boasting about the spirituality it’s not new.
In the book of Colossians Paul grappled with this because there were some boasting about their spirituality and visions of what they had seen Colossians 2:16-19 this is not the original message as received by the apostles of old this is another gospel…. As Paul puts it in Galatians 1:6-10. Do not be deceived brethren God will expose everything in the fullness of time all the pseudo apostles and prophets shall reap at some point busy merchandising the anointing and making biblical claims. God is slow to anger and wants men to repent and stop all these erroneous teachings time is now No man has seen God at any time and the second coming is not revealed to any human as to when it will occur it’s a prerogative that belongs to God.
To all genuine church leaders continue teaching the word and be consistent do not be under pressure to perform or make ridiculous claims to boosts your cvs. Seek to get God’s approval rather than your personal profiling.
\abiding Hope Global Ministries founder, bishop Vukani Dlhadlha said: “That pastor is a liar and he need psychiatric evaluation and my response is based on 1 Timothy 6:16 and it reads, He who have life forever, living in light in which no man may come near. Whom no man has seen or is able to see, to whom be honour and power forever. So be it.
Source-H Metro
\abiding Hope Global Ministries founder, bishop Vukani Dlhadlha said: “That pastor is a liar and he need psychiatric evaluation and my response is based on 1 Timothy 6:16 and it reads, He who have life forever, living in light in which no man may come near. Whom no man has seen or is able to see, to whom be honour and power forever. So be it.
Source-H Metro
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