More Fights Between G40 And Lacoste Members Over Kasukuwere’s Case

By now the public is aware that there are allegedly factions in the ruling party namely, Lacoste, spearheaded by the Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa and G40 whose kingpins include Savior Kasukuwere and Jonathan Moyo.

The continuous meetings being held to decide on Kasukuwere’s fate are slowly becoming battlefields for each side to flex their muscles and remind the other of their mishaps.

While Kasukuwere’s fate hangs in the air the two sides have decided to use the platform to have at it.

“According to sources, G40 wants the president Cde Robert Mugabe to open an investigation into Mnangagwa’s ambitious schemes. Furthermore, they want Cde Mnangagwa charged with subversion after a couple of utterances he made which they believe prove he is furthering his ambitions to take over.
More Fights Between G40 And Lacoste Members Over Kasukuwere’s Case
The source, however says the president is not interested and does not wish to plummet the party into further divisions after the infamous booting of some members of the party. The president has better things to do than chair a group of grown men throwing tantrums on who should be kicked out and who should stay.

According to the sources, Mphoko was the first to declare that there were two factions in Zanu PF, one fighting to take over power from Mugabe which was being led by a senior member of the party, in apparent reference to Mnangagwa, and the other loyal to Mugabe.

Professor Jonathan Moyo followed suit in blasting Vice President Mnangagwa for factionalism and claimed that he had been planning to usurp the president since the Tsholotsho declaration back in 2004.

Professor Moyo claimed he has proof in the form of DVDs and documents which he says will expose the underhand activities of Mnangagwa to topple the president. The President however rejected the notion to play the said discs.

With the anti-Kasukuwere group making vocal their feelings to have him booted out, the pro-Kasukuwere group are said to have undergone a fact finding mission in order to gain leverage against the opposite group headed by Mnangagwa.

The sources claim Kasukuwere and his sympathizers spent the better part of the week gathering evidence against Mnangagwa in the form of documents discs and audio tapes. They were ready to make a move to expose Mnangagwa and the people who passed a vote of no confidence over him.

As the squabbling continues, each side is threatening to bring out incriminating material against the other. The result is the verdict on Kasukuwere still hasn’t been passed and it seems headed for a deadlock.

Source: Newsday


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