Zimbabwe: Moyo Attacks VP, Lauds Sekeramayi

Zanu-PF Politburo member Professor Jonathan Moyo yesterday launched a blistering attack on Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, saying he was not the most senior party member in Zanu-PF as he lauded Defence Minister Dr Sydney Sekeramayi with a string of superlatives.

Prof Moyo, who was speaking during a SAPES Policy Dialogue dubbed "Third Pan African Lecture - Wither the Nationalist project in Zimbabwe", said VP Mnangagwa would not advance the nationalist project, accusing him of fronting a faction in Zanu-PF.

VP Mnangagwa is on record distancing himself from the so-called Lacoste faction.

Prof Moyo, who was accompanied to the panel discussion by embattled national political commissar Cde Saviour Kasukuwere, his brother Mashonaland Central chairman Cde Dickson Mafios, Cde Patrick Zhuwao and Cde Wonder Mashange among others, said VP Mnangagwa was not the most senior member in Zanu-PF after President Mugabe as he singled out Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko and Dr Sekeramayi, heaping praises on the latter.
Zimbabwe: Moyo Attacks VP, Lauds Sekeramayi
"I don't know why we have not told them kuti muri kunyepa," said Prof Moyo.

"But they have been whispering, whispering and other people being silent, but it is false and that falsehood (that VP Mnangagwa is most senior) should now be engaged and stated." Prof Moyo said.

He then lauded Dr Sekeramayi, prompting some in the audience to ask if he (Dr Sekeramayi) was the G40 supremo.

"He is senior and this example is an interesting one because you know Dr Sekeramayi's loyalty to the President, President Mugabe, and to the party, to the country is beyond question and so are his liberation credentials, beyond question.

"So is his political experience, beyond question. So is his consensus style of leadership, quite engaging. So is his stature, unquestionable. So is his commitment to the nationalistic project and above all in my estimation, his humility.

Prof Moyo added: "He is not arrogant. He doesn't say 'ndezvedu izvi' or 'chinhu chedu ichi'. He is accommodating. He is a true nationalist. In the vein we have seen them from the tradition of President Mugabe, the late Vice President (Joshua) Nkomo or the late Vice President Simon Muzenda, the late Vice President Msika, the late Vice President John Nkomo.

You don't say 'akabva nekupi uyo?' You can tell kuti akabva nekupi through the engagement-grounded and I am giving this as an example remember."

Prof Moyo said he was challenging the notion that below President Mugabe there was only one leader who was senior.

"I'm saying that's not true and I am challenging the historians to dig up the evidence if they think I'm not telling the truth," he said.

"What is true is that because of his humility, Dr Sekeramayi's story is not well known but once you get to know it, encounter it, it's infectious. But so that you don't misunderstand me, there are others, even Vice President (Phelekhezela) Mphoko is actually senior but you won't know if you live in a society that doesn't value information which is driven by propaganda. But he is, check the record."

Source - The Herald


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