Biya, You Often Have To Know How To Leave Things

After thirty-seven years of unparalleled power, Robert Mugabe was driven out of his own Party as if he were a mess. 

Simply because he did not know how to leave things before things left him.

Biya is already very old

After thirty-seven years of power, Robert Mugabe was already tending towards 94 years! That's ten years longer than our President, who will turn 85 on February 13, 2018.

Paul Biya is already very old. He can not have the reactivity of Ali Bongo or the spontaneity of a young man like Pierre La Paix Ndamè. Paul Biya is already almost disconnected. He can no longer be interested in the real problems of Cameroonians.
Biya, You Often Have To Know How To Leave Things
He can no longer circumnavigate the ten regions since his senility no longer allows him. He can no longer express himself on the many problems of Cameroon because of his health, since he is really much older and much more worn and much more tired than my grandmother!
Biya did not appoint a successor

I do not know if it's a benefit or a disadvantage. But what is certain is that Biya is not going to appoint a successor; since he remembers how he himself had betrayed his predecessor Ahmadou Ahidjo ...

In short, he has not yet registered the people of his family in the list of his estate. Instead, he is content to politically assassinate all his potential substitutes, whether they are Majority or even more so of opposition. He crushes his opponents like Maurice Kamto, he enlisted others like Issa Tchiroma, and he makes financially lucrative deals with his old friend of the SDF Ni John Fru Ndi.

He did not have the clumsiness to designate his wife as Robert Mugabe had had the disgrace (no pun intended) of wanting to do away with his Vice President Mnangawa, but it is this silence that scares me: for if Biya has not yet named anyone, what will happen to our country when this tyrannosaurus is no longer there?

Biya destroyed all his opponents

I just said it. Since when you yourself can not designate your own successor, do you think that you will accept that Cameroonians choose another head of state for you?

And this destruction had begun since the 1990s' and the imprisonment of Titus Edzoa. Then we had the confinement of Marafa Hamidou Yaya and the humiliations on Professor Vincent Sosthène Fouda.

We had the discreditization of Cabral Libii (where is it ever since?) And the birth of puppet candidates who are paid by the CPDM to appear at thirty-one days of elections, and then disappear the day after the proclamation of the results. of the victory of Paul Biya by the president of the Supreme Court of our Cameroon ...

Biya does not want to stop

That's what I just told you. Since if you do not appoint your successor and you crush your political opponents as Mugabe had done with Morgan Tsvangiraï, what remains? Is not it just you?

And that's why when François Hollande arrived in Cameroon in July 2015, Biya told him cash that "Do not last to the power that wants, but who can." And to go further by saying that "The elections of 2018 are distant but some.

But what really showed me that the guy there is not yet ready to surrender our Power is when he responded to Ahmad Ahmad saying that "Cameroon will organize the African Football Cup from 2019, I make the commitment. "

So the guy-there is already true-true convinced that he will win the presidential elections of 2018 huh

Paul Biya, in life it is often necessary to know how to leave things ...

So for more than thirty-seven years, Robert Mugabe directed Zimbabwe until he was dozing even already during the conferences. But his own country vomited him like a parasite, simply because he did not know how to leave things before things left him ...

It is often necessary to resign as Pope Benedict XVI did in February 2013 For Power must not be suffered as a punishment. It must not become a burden. It must not run like a pensum.

It is often necessary to leave room for another person as Mandela did for Thabo Mbeki in South Africa in 1999.

You often have to leave on your own when you can still receive all the laurels as well as all the honors, instead of being thrown out of the window or out the door.

Because if Paul Biya wants to continue to survive in power, he will risk being the victim of a future scientific coup d'etat. If he continues to think that he is the only "providential man" who has the ability to fly our Cameroon since November 6, 1982, he will risk resigning like Robert Mugabe.

If Paul Biya does not always want to hear us, that he messes with the electoral system and does not even think of wanting to withdraw, it will soon happen to him what happened to other heads of state longévicrates on our continent [...]

Because in life eh, it is important to know how to leave things before things leave you. Biya, you often have to know how to leave things ...


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