War Ambazonia: The Army Gains Ground Against The Separatists

Ten days after the declaration of war of the head of state, the national defense forces arrested and killed several secessionists during armed clashes.

The war against secessionists is raging in the southwestern and northwestern regions of the country. Since the declaration of war of President Paul Biya to these self-proclaimed separatists who make the crisis last in the English-speaking zone, clashes are multiplying between partisans of secession and the Cameroonian defense forces. Every day, the balance sheet weighs a little more in the camp of the fighters of the imaginary Republic of Ambazonia.

For example, during the night of 7 to 8 December, supporters of the independence of the English-speaking regions exchanged fire with the national defense and security forces in some localities in the Manyu department, particularly in Manfe. , the city chief town.
War Ambazonia: The Army Gains Ground Against The Separatists
And according to some indiscretions, the provisional record of these clashes remains five wounded soldiers, a policeman killed and a dozen attackers shot dead by the Cameroonian army. According to our information, the attackers would hide in neighboring Nigeria where they launch their murderous offensives before retreating thereafter.

A "Ambazonian" minister arrested (?)

On December 5, we learned this time that one of the ministers of the utopian government of Ambazonia, in this case Ayaba Cho, and a dozen fighters for the independence of this imaginary state have been arrested. by members of the Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR). 

On the same day, three other suspected secessionists were killed by the Cameroonian army during an exchange of fire on the border with Nigeria.

The armed assailants, claiming the Scacuf (Southern Cameroons ambazonia united front consortium), the armed wing of the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC) - a terrorist classified by Yaoundé - attacked the Sanghang border crossing in the Manyu department. but the response of the Cameroonian army was without appeal.

National defense and security forces have the right to fire. All the measures having been taken "to put out of harm's way these criminals and to ensure that peace and security are safeguarded throughout the national territory," announced on November 30, the president of the Republic, Paul Biya, returning from the African Union - European Union Summit in Côte d'Ivoire. Since then, military contingents have been deployed in both crisis-affected areas to secure the population and respond to secessionist attacks. War Ambazonia: The Army Gains Ground Against The Separatists


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