Presidential 2018: Only Two Candidates Are In Good Standing

Serge Espoir Matomba and Olivier Bilé are the two declared candidates who for the moment meet the conditions required by the electoral code.

In 2018, about twenty political parties will be able to participate in the presidential election in Cameroon. These include the CPDM, PURS, SDF, UDC, UPC, MRC, FSNC, ANDP, MP, MCNC, UFP, UNIVERS UMS, FDP, RCPU, PADDEC, AFP, MLDC.

Of the 305 parties registered in the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, only 20 meet the requirements of the law. Indeed, the electoral code in its article 121 specifies that the candidate for the presidential election must be invested by a political party, represented in the National Assembly, in the Senate, in a Regional Council or in a Municipal Council.
Presidential 2018: Only Two Candidates Are In Good Standing
In case of independent candidacy, he must collect at least 300 signatures of "personalities from all the Regions, at the rate of thirty (30) per Region and having the quality of being a member of the Parliament or a Consular Chamber, or of Councilor Regional or Municipal Councilor, or Traditional Chief of First Degree ".

Today, nearly a dozen personalities have declared their candidacy. They are: Akere Muna (independent candidate), Serge Espoir Matomba (PURS), Paul Eric Kingue (MPCN), Jean Blaise Gwet (MPPC), Olivier Bile (UFP), Dieudonné Mbala Mbala (independent candidate), Garga Haman Adji (ADD), Corentin Talla (independent candidate).

Of the 8 candidatures declared, only two meet the legal criteria, they are Serge Espoir Matombadu PURS and Olivier Bilé of the UFP. These two candidates are well known in the Cameroonian political scene.

Serge Espoir Matomba is a city councilor in Douala IV, he was invested as a presidential candidate by the United People for Social Renovation (PURS) on June 10, 2017. The PURS was created in May 2010, it is a social party -democratic who relies on youth and education. This party militates for the renewal of the ruling class and a new generation of politicians.

Olivier Bilé meanwhile is the president of the Union for Fraternity and Prosperity (UFP), his candidacy was announced in October 2017. His party won the municipality of Yabassi district, after the municipal elections of September 30, 2013. The UFP was created in October 2010, its model of democracy is based on Theism, it advocates a society centered on God.

Apart from the declared candidatures, there are still some in the expectation, notably that of the MRC, of ​​Univers, of the SDF, of the RDPC. Pending the investitures of the parties, the debates are going well, based on the intentions stated by the candidates. Staffs are hard at work presenting the strengths of their leaders.


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