Perpetrators of Violence In Ambazonia Must Face Court Action – European Union; Not ENOUGH, Ambazonians Need ACTION.

Perpetrators of Violence in Ambazonia Must Face Court Action – European Union; Not ENOUGH, Ambazonians Need ACTION.

The European Union has forcefully condemned the acts of genocide currently being perpetuated by the Biya regime on the people of Ambazonia. In a statement issued by its spokesperson in Brussels today 7th February, 2018, the body threatened a court action against those who have resorted to killing innocent civilians as a means to solving a political problem.

“…Such acts cannot be accepted and cannot go unpunished, as well as any excesses of violence against civilians. The perpetrators must be sued in court, in accordance with the law” the statement noted.
Perpetrators of Violence In Ambazonia Must Face Court Action – European Union; Not ENOUGH, Ambazonians Need ACTION.
According to the European body, “The use of violence cannot achieve political goals. It remains essential for the security forces to make a proportionate use of force in the exercise of their functions. The European Union calls for the avoidance of any act that can stir up tensions or incite violence between Cameroonians.

It remains convinced that only a sincere and constructive dialogue, following democratic and constitutional means, can lead to a lasting exit from the crisis…”

The statement from the EU is welcomed by Ambazonians, but the people maintained that these international bodies cannot continue making empty statements without a corresponding action on the ground to stop an already escalating situation. 

It is a fact that the rogue regime of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC) mismanaged a crisis that started as a simple strike action. It is a fact that they vehemently refused to dialogue with the people on a return to the pre-1972 political structure. It is a fact that they massacred the people on the 22nd September and 1st October, 2017, when they came out to peacefully protest with peace plants. 

It is a fact that the colonialist Biya, on live television declared war of Ambazonians and caused a refugee crisis in neighboring Nigeria. It is also a fact that DIALOGUE is no longer in their dictionary. Who then is the cause of where we are today?

Rather than solve the problem through the multiple sources recommended inclusive dialogue, the dying regime has resorted to international kidnapping of revolutionary leaders, in connivance with another corrupt limping regime in neighboring Nigeria. With all these happenings, will anybody in the world blame Ambazonians for any action of self-defense now or in the nearest future?
The European Union, Commonwealth, African Union and the UN cannot claimed not to understand the issues generating this crisis. The time to intervene is already weighing out. The signs of another Rwandan genocide are already clearly visible and Ambazonians cannot again sit and watch as they are being slaughtered like chickens. 

At this juncture, every right thinking Ambazonian is fade up with the international community, bitter with the colonial regime, and looks at an average LRC citizen in their mist as a dangerous enemy that needs to be eliminated before they point at their homes for colonial forces to attack, rape, kill and burnt.

Ambazonians need ACTION from the EU, UN, AU, Commonwealth and super powers, and not mare words of condemnation and threats to Paul Biya. Paul Biya has been hearing such language since, 2016 and nothing has changed his bloody ambition against the people of Ambazonia. 

Rather, the genocide has abated to the level where colonial forces slaughter citizens with knifes and these international bodies are still at the level of condemnation. The world must know that no one LRC forces do not have the monopoly of knowledge on how the knife is used for slaughtering people.

Ambazonia, shall be free, at ALL costs.

James Agbor, BaretaNews Political Analyst.


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