Etoudi: Here Are The Likely Dolphins Of Paul Biya

In its newsstand edition this Monday, December 11, 2017 under the title evocative "dolphins in troubled waters", the pan-African magazine based in Paris scrutinizes each of these members of the current establishment.

Alain Edgar Mebe Ngo'o: (60 years old, civil administrator) a billionaire in troubled waters
Some confide the quibble "Baby dog" in reference to the Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier. Born January 22, 1957 in Sangmélima, a fong father and a mother from East Cameroon, Alain Edgar Mebe Ngo'o was designated "Ali Ben Bongo Cameroonian" before the cabinet reshuffle of October 2015.

Fabulously reputed Rich, the reports of several special services give him a fortune estimated at several billion FCFA, as well as two or three buildings currently under construction in Yaoundé. Aged 61 in 2018, some exegetes of the Cameroonian political scene do not take seriously, these observers who augurs a presidential destiny.
Etoudi: Here Are The Likely Dolphins Of Paul Biya
Laurent Esso: (Non-hierarchical Magistrate - 75 years old)
Considered extremely unpopular to the point where his critics say of him, he would lose an election in his own village, a district of Douala (Bonatéki). Laurent ESSO is above all an apparatchik of the Regime of Renewal. He graduated from ENAM in 1969, at about the same time as his wife Catherine, inspector of financial boards.

The son of Dr. "Esso Laurent" is one of the few ministers who has never experienced a desert crossing, since his appointment in 1982 as Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary. Special Adviser to the Presidency of the Republic, Chancellor of the University of Yaounde, Deputy Secretary General to the Presidency of the Republic, Director of the Civil Cabinet.

Laurent Esso is also one of the mythical non-nationals of the geographical area Béti-Boulou to have led the highly strategic Ministry of Defense. Man of records and technocrat, it is besides under his reign that had been adopted important texts modernizing the Cameroonian army.

Renowned cold, but very private joke, as reported by the "few intimate friends of his residence Mvan district in Yaoundé", he is accused of having requested, with his boss, the opening of information Judge against the former grand financier of the state Essimi Menye, while the latter was still in office, the Ministry of Agriculture.

René Emmanuel Sadi (diplomat 69 years old): The undisputed dolphin

Some observers think that if Paul Biya had to choose a dolphin, it would be him. The passage of this "Vouté" Mbam-et-Kim at the head of the CPDM and his appointment to the strategic Ministry of Territorial Administration would be just warning signs. Missi dominici of the tenant of Etoudi in several African capitals, René Emmanuel Sadi was still a few weeks ago in Abuja in Nigeria where he was received in audience by the vice president Yemi Osinbajo.

Belonging to both North and South, this son of a nurse was born in the north (Far North). In case of vacancy of power or non-candidacy of the current head of state, its proximity to the apparatus of the CPDM where he has many obliged, makes Rene Emmanuel Sadi a dolphin undeniable.

Much more, except for the appointment of his own offspring as Mfoundi's first prefectural deputy, no real pan is known to him. As proof, for ages, the patron of the territorial occupies a modest villa at a place called Montée White House in Yaoundé.

Louis-Paul Motaze: (Civil Administrator, 58 years old): the architect of emergence
Louis-Paul Motaze has the long CV as an arm. Brilliant subject, bachelor at 17 years old only. The Minister of the Economy, Planning and Spatial Planning is first and foremost a product of the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) promotion 1983.

Holder of a diploma of advanced studies (DEA) in public law and DESS in international transport, the young Motaze was once back in Cameroon in 1989, successively employed at CAMSHIP and at the former Cameroon Airlines (Camair) where he s is really rubbed in the business world. It is probably strong of this experience, that it was in September 1999, sent on mission ordered at the head of the National Social Welfare Fund (CNPS) which was floundering.

Once at the head of this parastatal structure, the results were immediately noticeable. In addition to the regular payment of social benefits to retirees, Louis Paul Motaze reorganized the company by improving its cash flow, humanizing the reception and care of the elderly. This is what earned him the confidence of the head of state who wears it, for the first time, at the head of the Ministry of Economy in September 2007.

In this position, the native of Bengbis embarks on the search for innovative financing to diversify the resources of the State, with absolutely convincing results: (Second bridge over the Wouri, Port of Kribi, Dams Lom-Pangar and Memvele the, etc.).

Faced with administrative burdens, Paul Biya temporarily transfers him to the General Secretariat of the Prime Minister's Services where he personally coordinates the implementation of the DSCE, in this post: the second bridge over the Wouri, the deep-water port of Kribi and the dams of Memvelé'le are moving from project status to real achievements.


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